44% of customers visit a brand's website after receiving direct-mail marketing

Direct mail is a great form of communication simply because it provides targeted, intimate, person-to-person conversation which commands attention by taking advantage of an individual’s habit of reading and responding to mail.

In an over populated Digital landscape, Direct Mail is as important, if not more so, than ever in the success of an overall marketing campaign.

Direct Mail can help

  • Bring an immediate uplift in new orders and enquiries
  • Help to build on-going pipelines of sales
  • Create a positive brand image and increase brand awareness
  • Create cross-sell opportunities to an existing customer database
  • Build brand loyalty
  • Stimulate repeat business
  • Focus on your exact target market, and minimise wastage



Here are some main reasons on why to use Direct Mail campaigns to promote your business

Even though nowadays online channels of communication are widely used, direct mail stands out for its great open rate which can easily reach up to 80%. Moreover, this channel of communication is not limited in time or space or format. Direct mail has a wide range of advantages, such as:

Highly targeted

Every direct mail campaign has great targeting options. You can adjust messages for a specific audience, from loyal customers to new prospects. Thus, customers receive only offers that meet their individual needs or buying habits.


Each letter can contain personalised information. Using the database it is easy to find out customers’ needs by analysing their previous history of purchases. This way we alter the message and it can certainly appeal to each person individually.


Above all, mail is tangible. Since customers are getting mail directly the chances to receive the message is higher. Moreover, when customers receive a physical copy they are more likely to view its content as reliable.

Multitude of options

Such a form of communication provides a wide variety of formats, from postcards to leaflets, to catalogues and magazines. We can customise your mail. Therefore, there is no limitation of colour use, paper quality or mail format.

Easily measured

We can easily measure the direct mail. Each mail can contain the traceable code that customers will redeem upon the purchase. Furthermore, the results will be collected and will reveal the success of the campaign.  QR codes are increasing in use, using these in your mailings adds to both the tracking of results but also relevance of conversion.


Direct mail can be cost-effective. The creation of the campaign can be effortless and inexpensive. Moreover, mass mail makes execution of such campaign affordable.  We can utilise the best rates possible for your campaigns ensuring we maximise your spend and ROI.

Proven track record

Over time direct mail has proven its efficiency. Because this technique has been used widely and over a long time, the data of successful campaigns prove its potential. According to the DMA, the response rate of direct mail on average is 4.4%, compared to the email response rate of 0.12%. As a result, direct mail offers a negligible cost with a reliable return.

Please get in touch today to discuss how Direct Mail can work for your business.

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