If you focus marketing only on attracting new customers, you could be missing a trick. Your existing database is likely to be your biggest asset untapped asset.
Take a moment to digest this, and it starts to make perfect sense. Those people approached you for a reason. Whether to learn more, think about or buy, they could be your next sale – so it’s essential you don’t neglect them when creating your marketing plan. Developing your interaction and marketing opportunities with existing customers and leads has enormous, often under-utilised value.
Your Database + Our Experience = Perfectly Targeted Marketing
The Design Print Distribution group offer all you need for personalised and targeted mailing campaigns. We know a targeted direct mail campaign bringing your news directly onto their mat will get you noticed. Email marketing is good, but direct mail and door drops have a higher conversion rate. We can help you to target your ideal customer, a previous enquirer or an existing customer who may have forgotten about you.
Imagine what you could gain from reminding those who’ve interacted with you before that you have the products and services they’re looking for. A company we work with, ‘Your Business Development Team’, has recently launched an excellent new all-round service for those who want to maximise sales from their customer database.
Their expertise, combined with our door drop marketing expertise, offers the ideal opportunity to convert enquiries into sales, move forward interest or persuade enquirers to ‘buy now’. Getting leads is difficult enough, so why waste those you already have?
Turning Interest Into Something More
Converting leads into sales often fails due to a lack of time and expertise. Leads fail when the trail goes cold, or the team don’t understand the funnelling process and its benefits. We are both here to do that job for you, maximising your marketing and conversion potential. The Design Print Distribution Group have many years of door drop and direct mail marketing success to add to the benefit you’ll get from marketing to your existing database. We can design, print and send communications that will work for you, and where required, work closely with our sister company for your company’s benefit.
Imagine having a team of experts taking the time and worry out of what is an onerous task even for the most sales and customer focussed businesses. With a combined package from ourselves and our sister company, you can effectively have outsourced your marketing department to experts who have the knowledge and experience to bring conversions.
How Could It Work?
- We can approach those on your database with eye-catching direct mail drops and can even help with the content. Whether you offer a discount, a ‘bring a friend’ incentive, a freebie or sample or even just remind them you are working, we can help you grab their attention.
- Expert conversion teams can then offer a tailored follow-up process. From calling pipeline prospects to move the process further down the funnel through to full follow up and assessment services, advice and training, there’s sure to be a service that aligns perfectly with your requirements.
The Design Print Distribution Group are here to handle your door drop marketing from start to finish, creating interest in an area, targeting specific audiences relevant to your products or services and working with your existing database to bring results. Why not get in touch to find out how a combined approach to your existing database could help your sales figures rocket.