Our knowledge of consumers habits and behavior has become increasingly sophisticated in recent years. The benefits to media channels such as Leaflet Distribution have led to an ability to cut to the target market pretty accurately, where it would previously have been a fairly blunt tool.
Geodemographic classification studies locations (geo) and people (demographic). It attempts to provide accurate and detailed descriptions of UK consumers and the areas where they live. Geodemographic classifications work from some basic assumptions; People who live in the same area are much more likely to have similarities than two people picked at random from different areas. Similar locations will have people who fit a certain demographic. Locations are classified according to the characteristics of the people that live there. When producing a profile, you need to find the right balance between accounting for everyone as a unique individual and assuming that everyone is the same.
Targeting of demographic groups for leaflet distribution can be planned in a number of ways:
• TV or radio coverage areas
• Sales regions or territories
• Counties
• Postcode areas, districts or sectors
• Distance or drive time from places such as store locations
Geodemographic profiling of potential customers enables you to more carefully target who will receive your flyers and leaflets. The software, Geoplan, Mosaic, and Acorn are ones you may hear about, gleans geographic and demographic information from the Census and other sources, helping to minimize any wastage and increase the response rates. Maps are produced for approval and these form the basis of your leaflet distribution coverage.
You need to be sure that the campaign has taken place effectively and, particularly in a large campaign happening over a period of time which areas have been covered so far. GPS tracking apps help achieve this but need to be managed efficiently. A track showing that the route to houses has been walked is not proof that a particular item was pushed through a letterbox so is never going to be proof of delivery and needs to be used in conjunction with effective management systems, and careful design of calls to action on the leaflet itself.
Working with a professional delivery company will bring benefits that GPS tracking enhances, but it is the overall service, including being able to provide this and Geodemographic profiles that match your target audience is key. It is worth bearing in mind that neither of these points is a magic bullet guaranteed to bring success, other factors such as a good product, good leaflet design, and an effective marketing strategy also contribute to the success of a campaign.
The Design Print Distribution Group works with many clients to provide targeted leaflet delivery services. We can advise you on geographic areas to cover and with a wealth of knowledge and experience in many industries, we can help you get the best possible results. We can also advise on volumes and provide full statistical information.
Get in Touch to discuss how we can support you and your work for clients.