An astonishing 72% of people receiving marketing material on their doormat read, keep or pass it on, and 45% of consumers keep direct door drop mail leaflets and brochures in a draw or on a noticeboard for them to call on.  In addition to this, a whopping 89% recall flyers coming through their letterbox, so the benefits of direct marketing campaigns are clear according to the Direct Marketing Association figures released. But how do you harness the power of this type of marketing, and avoid being one of those leaflets that moves directly from the doorstep to the recycling bin? The secret is to give them a flyer that they deem as worth keeping.

Ensuring that your leaflet is something that adds value to the customer whose doorstep it lands on is something that we at The Design Print Distribution Group have a wealth of experience in. Here, we offer some tips on what to consider to make yours a leaflet worth retaining.

Know Your Market

Marketing to a specific demographic or area can give you greater success than just a random leaflet drop (although we are equally happy to door drop or mail a whole county or country). Targeted marketing where you have identified potential homes for your product or services stands a higher chance of creating results. We can assist you with both identification and targeting and go on to create a brochure or leaflet that stands the best chance of getting a reaction. You can even benefit from GPS and Video Tracking with mapped information through your dedicated customer portal allowing you to keep track of the progress of your campaign. Our specialist software can identify specific areas, properties, or people demographics to enable marketing campaigns to focus on specific target audiences if you wish to go further than a general door drop or marketing mailing.

Appeal To Your Market

How does your product or service fit their desires, why is your business of interest to them and what can you include to make them go from prospect to purchaser? Include this type of information on your leaflet and it is sure to be worth a second look. Careful consideration of content and design can mean the difference between a campaign that grabs attention and one that falls flat. If you need help with design and content ideas, we actively offer these services to ensure your campaign gains traction.

Give Them An Incentive

One thing experience has taught us is that an incentive attracts attention. Whatever incentive you choose to offer, there are many ways to tempt a potential customer to give your business a try. Some options you could use to make sure your target customer retains your leaflet include:

  • Discount when the leaflet is presented
  • Menu or price information to entice a purchase
  • Monthly deal
  • Freebie
  • Bonus if they refer a friend
  • Something useful such as a calendar or reusable bag

Here at The Design Print Distribution Group, our team brings many years of experience to the world of door drop marketing design and print, to create brochures and leaflets that not only catch the eye of a buyer but actively encourage them to keep it and act on it.  Why not contact our experts today and let us lead and transform your direct mail marketing campaigns to bring you a great return on your investment.