No longer is there a one size fits all approach to marketing. Over time, the most successful businesses have realised that they need to combine both online and offline marketing to get the best results. Maximum exposure across all demographics will only be achieved by reaching out to those not using the internet equally as much as those that do. Here, we explain why a combination of both types of marketing could benefit your business and how you could bring the two together to get the most out of it.
We are living in a time unlike any other
How many potential customers would your business lose, if you switched to solely online marketing? The reality is more than you may have thought! Offline marketing (including door drops) are known to have a high success rate in attracting customers and can combine perfectly with online campaigns. And, during these strange times where more people than ever before are working from home, door drop marketing campaigns have never been so well-received.
Offline marketing can work effectively in isolation for those who rarely consider the internet; but in addition to this, it has been shown that door drop mailings increase and encourage online searches for those currently using the web to make choices about the products and services they use.
Using offline marketing to draw online interest, as well as standalone marketing campaigns will ensure your business reaches its widest possible audience.
There are many great ways to tie in your offline marketing with online, which we explore below.
How to turn offline marketing into online activity
Use your door drop to steer them to your usual business stream. You could give an eye-catching offer code, use catchy hashtags to draw attention to social media events – and give your customers a good reason to look at your website and buy.
Adding a QR code, website address, social media information and phone number to door drops makes it easy for your customers to find you, no matter whether they’re a web surfer, social media savvy or a rare user of the internet.
Including a clear call to action on your printed material in the same way as you do for online marketing will ensure you gain customers – consider messages such as ‘follow us on social media for great discounts’, ‘use this voucher code on our website for a free sample’, or encourage them to sign up to your newsletter.
Encourage and incentivise your potential customer to make the move to contact you in a way that fits with their preferences.
It’s Christmas; Use it to your best advantage
Christmas is just around the corner – what a great opportunity to catch a potential customer’s eye with a door drop mailing that leads them to your website or social.
It really does not matter if you are selling a product or a service, when a Christmassy offering lands on the doormat, especially when people are looking for a reason to celebrate in these strange times, it will grab attention. At a time when many of us are avoiding the shops or unable to spend time browsing, giving them a highlight of your products via door drop could inspire them to Christmas shop online with you.
Strike a Balance With Door Drops Designed To Get Them Interested
The Design Print Distribution Group are expertly placed to handle your leaflet door drop to ensure your offline marketing requirements are fulfilled. We can simply print and deliver or if you are stuck for inspiration we offer a full graphic design service also, including the addition of QR codes designed to get your customers quickly to your website or social media so you can connect with them.
A combination of online and offline marketing is sure to improve your business reach; so why not consider using door drop marketing as a great way to drive your offline customers online?