2021 sees us facing a year that will see a lot of huge changes. Alongside a likely rise in self-employment as those left unemployed by COVID-19 seek to start out on their own, established businesses will be looking to retain their place in the market. As competition for customers is likely to become more intense, this is a critical time to advertise effectively. We all know that successful marketing is key for businesses of all sizes to survive, and even more so this year as the coronavirus bites further. But how to you advertise to your best advantage with all the changes taking place across the UK?

Countering COVID-related problems

Lockdowns and restrictions have changed the way in which many businesses capture customer attention. 2020 changed the way that people shop, with less reason to venture out onto high streets. This was coupled with a constant uncertainty through differing lockdown restrictions, which are clearly set to continue some way into 2021. It is important, therefore, when working out your marketing strategy that you factor in and address the reduced visibility you will have whilst people are staying at home.

Help is at hand

The UK Government are offering a variety of schemes to help businesses during this tricky period, including loans, grants and more which could help you with your advertising budget, so it is a great time for businesses of any size, new or old to make use of all advertising techniques open to them. One such option, particularly while people are at home more is door drop marketing. In fact, the DMA advises that 89% of consumers remember a door drop marketing campaign they receive and a staggering 45% actually retain the leaflet to use later

How To Appeal

Money may be tight after Christmas, so why not draw in potential customers with a tempting offer. Publicise that you are very much still open and have some great services, products and offers to help, whether for click and collect or for delivery. A door drop campaign with a strong call to action, such as an enticing offer, discount or perhaps a freebie for those that buy or subscribe to your services, could make your business an easy choice for customers to make.

How We Can Create Your Best Campaign Yet

Whether you’re a fledgling or established business, with statistics clearly showing door drop marketing’s effectiveness, we believe January is a great time to reach out to potential customers, with a personalised door drop marketing campaign for your business. And it needn’t cost the earth either.

Here at the Design Print Distribution Group, we don’t mind if you are looking to drop as few as 1000 leaflets or tens of thousands. We have worked with all business sectors and sizes to help them identify and target the best for their door drop marketing campaign budget, and would love to share our knowledge and expertise to help your business.
We offer a range of services that can see your business reach the doormat of many homes. Our services include options from printing only through to a full design, print and drop option.

We have worked with many local and nationwide companies such as Deliveroo, Dominoes and Papa Johns, Uber and Subway as well as care homes, estate agents and gyms, local cleaners, builders, gardeners and schools. We know what works and have the experience and knowledge to help you use your marketing budget to its best effect.

Whether you’re starting a brand-new business or simply looking to keep your business going throughout 2021, why not get in touch? We’d be happy to help you reach your target market, with an effective door drop marketing campaign.