Let’s face it, the last year or so has been a rather unsettling and worrying time for businesses in many different industries. COVID-19 has shown us the vulnerabilities within our businesses and while some have managed to diversify their product/service offerings to adapt, others have not been able to. For many companies, a period of economic turbulence and uncertainty have them battening down the hatches, cutting back what they consider to be non-essential spending and sitting back to ride out the storm. Some may act by immediately cutting or doing away with marketing budgets completely, in the belief that holding onto cash is the only way to survive. But this could be harming their business more than they realise.
Don’t Lose Sight Of the Importance of Customer Contact
In tough times, keeping your business alive is a priority and this means keeping in touch with your client base. It is definitely not the time to go quiet on your existing customers or stop trying to attract new ones. When businesses reduce their marketing efforts, this leaves a gap in the market that a competitor could exploit, giving consumers the opportunity to explore their other options.
Marketing during trying times is somewhat of a balancing act, but one you must achieve if you are to survive the downtimes and be ready for the boom. Keeping customer confidence alive in your business can still involve many of your usual techniques such as social media, which could be a low cost ways in which to retain the attention of your target market.
Or you could adapt to changing consumer habits post-pandemic and begin a low-cost door drop marketing and leaflet campaign that could bring you in front of new clients who have become more used to staying at home; giving you an option to appeal to a targeted client base that could be willing to give your business a try. Door drops through a letterbox may seem old fashioned and more work than social media, but statistics prove otherwise, showing that 89% of recipients remember receiving the leaflet and 45% of them keep it, so the right campaign strategy certainly can yield great results. And if you work with the Design Print Distribution Group on your campaign, you’ll find that we can do most of the hard work for you.
How To Stay Visible In Turbulent Times
Here at the Design Print Distribution Group, we can work with you to help you retain your visibility, both reminding current clients that you’re still there, while getting in front of clients your competitors aren’t currently marketing to. When it comes to creating a campaign, we’re able to offer a service that’s completely tailored to your wishes. However, some tips we think it may be wise to consider during your campaign include:
Put your audience first– your target market may also be feeling the effects on their bank balance of the last year or so. Now is the time to be authentic, show compassion and acknowledge fears. Ditch the hard sell and show how you can benefit your customers.
Offers are for boom and bust – you may not be able to offer as much as you could during better trading times, but a small discount, offer or freebie can be just the incentive that people need to give you a go.
Offers for later – loyalty schemes are great for being able to offer your customers a discount or incentive without you having to lose out on income. A door drop campaign that offers a discount after they’ve purchased a certain amount or used your services for a certain length of time could be just what your business needs to tempt clients in.
Remember, even if your target market isn’t buying, keeping the brand-consumer bond intact could be key to keeping you trading in turbulent times. Clever marketing is critical at these times, and we can help you make an impact with door drop campaigns that deliver. Why not get in touch to discuss how we could help you get the edge on your competitors, no matter how turbulent the market is.