We get it. In times of financial uncertainty, the marketing budget is often the first place you seek to cut. Yet any savings you make will likely pale into insignificance when you factor in the possible damage to your business. With this in mind, we explain why you should see marketing as an investment, not an expense.

Over time, marketing will pay for itself – often multiple times over, if you get it right. Keeping your brand and voice in the public eye will protect and likely increase your sales margins, especially when others around you are fading away, making every penny spent on marketing undoubtedly worthwhile. Brands that increase or maintain their marketing budget will, without a doubt, fare better than those that go quiet.

Stop marketing your business, and you could

  • Lose customers – whilst customers want to be loyal, it doesn’t take long to find a new service or supplier if you go quiet on them.
  • Lose engagement – if you become inactive, so will your followers.
  • Lose credibility – if your monthly or weekly mail drop disappears, people will, at best, think you are struggling, or worse, you are no longer trading.
  • Lose leads – when you continually target new and untapped audiences, you lose the opportunity for further growth.
  • Lose visibility – if they don’t see your presence, you will become yesterday’s news.
  • Tarnish your reputation – much like your credibility, your reputation may take a hit you find hard to recover from, even if you restart your leaflet campaign after a break.
  • Lose your cutting edge – just because you stop marketing, you can guarantee at least one of your competitors won’t!
  • Lose sight of budgeting – once you stop budgeting for marketing, it’s challenging to find funds to pick back up again. You will spend the money elsewhere, and it likely won’t be in a way that supports your future business growth like marketing spend does.
  • Customers’ shopping habits change, and losing sight of this could take high cost and time to recover. You will suffer ineffective tracking – one of the greatest assets of continuous marketing, especially with tracked door-dropped mail campaigns, is the picture you build of what works. If you stop, you lose valuable insight.

As a marketing design, print and distribution business, we see the benefit that our leaflet and door drop clients get from continuous marketing into the heart of the home. Door-drop campaigns have been proven to prompt as many as 67% of the recipients to purchase. Stop this, and you could damage your sale pipeline to the point where you might find it a slow process to recover from.

Making Your Marketing Count

If you’re not seeing the ROI you’re looking for, instead of stopping what you’re doing, why not examine what you could be doing better? Door drop and leaflet mailing campaigns will support and enhance your other marketing activities. However, they need to be well thought out to succeed. Adding a clear Call to Action, a discount or incentive, a maybe a QR code linking your website, social media, or the latest service or product to direct or support customers in these challenging times will spur people to head your way.

Need Help?

Of course, if you need help targeting your leaflets to the best prospects, designing eye-catching door drops, or simply a reliable tracking door drop delivery service, we have the expert teams to help. Whatever your business and wherever you are based, we are on hand to offer cost-effective marketing. After all, you won’t beat a door drop for price or visibility.

Get in touch to see how we can help you continue marketing even when budgets are tight. We offer discounts for multi-drop campaigns, so that’s a definitive incentive to keep marketing too.